- General information.
- Requirements.
- Deadlines.
- Completion period.
- Competent authority.
- Procedure.
- Authentication and signature.
- Requirements.
- Type and format of the documents.
- Costs and fees.
- Further information.
- Means of redress or appeal.
- Legal bases.
- Assistance and problem-solving services.
- Link to form.
General information
Any approval to exercise the activity of hiking and snowshoeing guide will be cancelled:
- when the Bezirksverwaltungsbehörde [District Administration Authority] prohibits the exercise of the activity;
- upon death of the approval holder;
- upon waiver of such approval.
A waiver of the approval will take effect when the state government receives the written waiver. The certificate of eligibility shall be enclosed with the waiver. The waiver can be revoked.
A waiver of the approval will take effect when the state government receives the written waiver.
Completion period
No relevant information available.
Competent authority
Amt der Oö. Landesregierung
[Office of the State Government of Upper Austrian]
Direktion für Landesplanung, wirtschaftliche und ländliche Entwicklung
[Directorate for Regional Planning Economic and Rural Development]
Abteilung Wirtschaft und Forschung
[Department of Economy and Research]
4021 Linz, Bahnhofplatz 1
Phone (+43 732) 77 20-151 21
Fax (+43 732) 77 20-211 785
Email: wi.post@ooe.gv.at
the relevant District Administration Authority
The District Administration Authority shall prohibit the exercise of the activity and withdraw the certificate of eligibility, if one of the prerequisites for issuing the certificate of eligibility no longer applies or if the approval holder was repeatedly punished with legal effect for violations of this state law.
Authentication and signature
No electronic or personal signature of the application is required.
Required documents
Written waiver; The certificate of eligibility shall be enclosed with the waiver.
Type and format of the documents
No relevant information available.
Costs and fees
No relevant information available.
Further information
The District Administration Authority must temporarily prohibit the exercise of the activity and temporarily withdraw the certificate of eligibility under certain conditions.
Means of redress or appeal
A complaint can be filed against the notification. Such complaint shall be made in writing and must be filed with the authority which issued the notification within four weeks. The period commences upon receipt of the written copy or, in case of an oral announcement, when such is made.
The complaint shall also state the notification and the authority against which it is made, the reasons on which the alleged illegality are based, the request and information that is necessary to assess whether the complaint was filed in due time. Complaints shall no longer be permitted if the party explicitly waived its right to make a complaint after the notification was served or announced to it.
Otherwise, any notification contains information on legal remedies, including the instruction before which authority the legal remedy must be filed and within what period.
Legal bases
For laws and regulations, please refer to the Rechtsinformationssystem [Legal Information System] (RIS)
Assistance and problem-solving services
Einheitlicher Ansprechpartner (EAP) Oberösterreich
[Point of Single Contact (PSC) Upper Austria]
No form required.
Information on data protection
Further information
Responsible for the content: Abteilung Wirtschaft und Forschung
Last update: 25.02.2021
