Guest Hunting Licence - Liability insurance for obtaining the Upper Austrian Guest Hunting Licence

General information

Hunting guests must prove that they have a sufficient liability insurance policy in order to obtain a hunting guest licence.


The district hunting officers shall issue to the persons entitled to the hunting right hunting guest licences in such entitled persons' name in the desired number if the person entitled to the hunting right proves for each of the hunting guest licences applied for that a hunting liability insurance exists in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 33 (2) Oö. Jagdgesetz 2024. The amount of the minimum insurance sum is governed by the Verordnung betreffend die Mindestversicherungssumme für die Jagdhaftpflichtversicherung [Regulation on the Minimum Insurance Sum regarding Hunting Liability Insurance], Official State Gazette no. 26/2011.


The person authorized to hunt may issue hunting guest cards to hunting guests during the hunting period in progress at the time of their issue. The hunting guest licences are valid within the Federal State of Upper Austria for a period of four weeks.

Completion period

No information available.

Competent authority

District hunting officer and/or person entitled to the hunting right


Upon application, the district hunting officer shall issue to the person entitled to the hunting right the hunting guest licences in such entitled persons' name in the desired number if the person entitled to the hunting right proves for each of the hunting guest licences applied for that a corresponding hunting liability insurance is in place. Before issue of the hunting guest licence, the persons entitled to the hunting right shall indelibly enter into the hunting guest licence the particulars of the hunting guest (name, residence, day of issue). The hunting guest shall sign the licence in person. The hunting guest licences are valid within the Federal State of Upper Austria for a period of four weeks.

Authentication and signature

No information available.

Required documents

No information available.

Art und Format der Nachweise

No information available.

Costs and fees

The amount of the minimum insurance sum is governed by the Regulation on the Minimum Insurance Sum regarding Hunting Liability Insurance, Official State Gazette no. 26/2011 (minimum insurance sum amounting to 4 million euros per damage event as a blanket coverage for personal injuries (injuries suffered by one or several persons) and/or property damage (one or several cases of property damage)).

Further information

No information available.

Means of redress or appeal

No information available.

Legal bases

Sec. 31 (4)  of the Oö. Jagdgesetz 2024 [Upper Austrian Hunting Act 2024]

Assistance and problem-solving services

EAP - Point of Single Contact Upper Austria

Link to form

No form required.

Information on data protection

Further information

Responsible for the content: Abteilung Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Last update: 16.01.2025

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