General information
Employee protection in Upper Austrian state service
Employment relationship with the State of Upper Austria
No information available.
Completion period
No information available.
Competent authority
State of Upper Austria, Directorate for Human Resources
No information available.
Authentication and signature
No information available.
Required documents
Employment contract or notification
Art und Format der Nachweise
No information available.
Costs and fees
No information available.
Further information
a) General
The legal provisions applicable to employee protection should ensure the protection of life and health of employees during their professional activity and are set forth in the Oö. Bedienstetenschutzgesetz 2017 [Upper Austrian Employee Protection Act of 2017].
Human-oriented work conditions and a high safety standard in jobs for state or municipalities (municipal associations) result in a reduction of the economic and corporate costs caused by occupational accidents and occupational illnesses. The state legislator specifies the duties – i.e. rules and prohibitions – the implementation of or compliance with which is the responsibility of the responsible person (generally the superior). The management is assisted by safety experts and occupational physicians in the performance of such duty. Without prejudice to the responsibility of the employer, it is the duty of the staff representatives to participate in the protection and promotion of the health and safety of employees and particularly to contribute to compliance with the employee protection provisions. An Employee Protection Commission has been established in order to perform the tasks assigned.
b) Scope
The Oö. Bedienstetenschutzverordnung 2017 [Employee Protection Regulation], for example, governs:
- evaluation of risks; measures;
- safety and health protection documents;
- deployment of the employees;
- rules applicable to work places and construction sites;
- rules applicable to equipment and working materials;
- health supervision;
- preventive services.
c) preventive services.
The Employer shall appoint a sufficient number of safety experts and occupational physicians (preventive experts) and provide them with the time and equipment necessary for fulfilling their duty. A certain degree of preventive time arises depending on the risk potential of a certain activity.
d) Control and authorities
The manager or the head of the relevant office are responsible for complying with the statutory provisions for the protection of employees in the office that are applicable to the employer. Moreover, superior Bedienstetenschutzkommissionen [Employee Protection Commissions] exist in the states, municipalities, municipal associations and statutory cities. The competent Employee Protection Commission is, as a control body, authorised to access and visit (inspect) the work places, at any time, however without disturbing the official operation.
Means of redress or appeal
Notification of grievances pursuant to Sections 42 et seq. of the Upper Austrian Employee Protection Act of 2017
Legal bases
For laws and regulations, please refer to the Rechtsinformationssystem [Legal Information System] (RIS)
- Oö. Landesbeamtengesetz 1993 .
- Oö. Landes-Vertragsbedienstetengesetz 1993 .
- Oö. Bediensteten-Schutzgesetz 2017 .
- Oö. Bediensteten-Schutzverordnung 2017 .
Assistance and problem-solving services
EAP - Point of Single Contact Upper Austria
Link to form
No form required.
Information on data protection
Further information
Responsible for the content: Abteilung Personal
Last update: 27.05.2021
