General information
Recreational holiday in Upper Austrian state service
Employment relationship with the State of Upper Austria
No information available.
Completion period
No information available.
Competent authority
State of Upper Austria, Directorate for Human Resources
No information available.
Authentication and signature
No information available.
Required documents
No information available.
Art und Format der Nachweise
No information available.
Costs and fees
No information available.
Further information
The annual holiday entitlement always arises at the start of each calendar year and can be used from such point in time. Exception: Within the first 6 months of the employment relationship, only 1/12 of the annual holiday entitlement may be used per month. In the year of retirement/superannuation, the holiday entitlement arises on a pro rata basis for the active time.
a) Number of days
The number of days of recreational holiday in each calendar year shall be 200 or 240 hours depending on length of service, service and salary position (= 30 or 36 working days or 25 or 30 working days) per calendar year. The number of days is based on the length of service or, upon completion of the 51st year of life, on age.
For disabled employees, the number of days of recreational holiday increases by 16 to 40 hours annually, depending on the degree of disability.
b) Entitlement
In the first six months of the employment relationship starting from the respective month, the entitlement to recreational holiday shall be one twelfth of the annual holiday for each month.
After an uninterrupted term of employment of six months, the entitlement shall arise in the amount of the remaining days of holiday existing for the current calendar year.
Holidays are always subject to an agreement and must not be unilaterally ordered by the superior. Should a calendar year include periods, for example of a leave of absence, no holiday entitlement applies to such period. If the degree of employment changes, the number of days of holiday shall also change from such point in time. Any holiday entitlement gained and not used up yet shall - calculated in hours - remain unchanged and will not be adapted to the new degree of employment. After expiry of two years after the end of the holiday year in which a holiday entitlement arises, half of the entitlement not used up shall be forfeited; the rest is forfeited after expiry of three years from the end of the holiday year in which it arose.
Means of redress or appeal
Action before the Arbeits- und Sozialgerichten [Labour and Social Courts](contract employees)
Complaint to the Administrative Court of Upper Austria
Legal bases
For laws and regulations, please refer to the Rechtsinformationssystem [Legal Information System] (RIS)
Assistance and problem-solving services
EAP - Point of Single Contact Upper Austria
Link to form
No form required.
Information on data protection
Further information
Responsible for the content: Abteilung Personal
Last update: 27.05.2021
