General information
This is an allowance for long-distance commuters who regularly commute directly from their main residence to the place of work and back, insofar as the one-way distance between the municipality of the main residence and the municipality of the place of work is at least 25 km.
The distance that is decisive for determining the allowance is exclusively the medium distance between these municipalities in road kilometres based on the data records available in the Öo. Landesregierung [State Government of Upper Austria].
The return trip within the relevant calendar months (= commuting months) must be made regularly and directly every day between the main residence and the place of work, i.e. daily or weekly commuting.
Weekly commuters are persons who, within one week, normally commute once directly from their main residence to the place of work and back and do not return to the main residence for several days in between.
The main residence from which the commute starts must be located in Upper Austria.
The annual income for requests relating to the 2019 commuting year must not exceed EUR 26,000 (the income threshold increases by EUR 2,600 for each child for which the applicant receives family allowances or pays child support), where the annual income in terms of the guidelines means:
- for non-self-employed persons: generally the pay liable to tax (figure 245) as disclosed in the annual pay slip(s) issued by their employer or in the income tax assessment, in case they filed income tax returns – for more details see Sec. 4 of the guidelines;
- for employees liable for filing income tax returns (such as e.g. self-employed persons, cross-border commuters, in case they receive parallel or overlapping multiple benefits): the total amount of income as disclosed in the income tax assessment, plus any professional allowances (even flat-rate professional allowances), apart from any contributions to domestic or foreign health insurances which are considered professional allowances for cross-border commuters – for more information see Sec. 4 of the guidelines.
The following must be added to the income: unemployment allowance and comparable income received from the Public Employment Service, unemployment assistance, pensions, sickness benefits, maternity allowance and child care fees.
The following will not be included in the income: family allowance, care allowance and other allowances.
The latest date for filing the application shall be 31 December of this year (example: requests for the 2019 commuting year shall be filed until not later than 31 December 2020, etc.).
Completion period
No information available.
Competent authority
Amt der Oö. Landesregierung
[Office of the State Government of Upper Austria]
Direktion Finanzen
[Directorate for Finances]
Landhausplatz 1
4021 Linz
Phone (+43 732) 77 20- 113 01
Fax (+43 732) 77 20- 21 50 19
Requests for the relevant calendar year (=year of application) shall be filed with the Office of the State Government of Upper Austria, Landhausplatz 1, 4021 Linz, in the subsequent calendar year.
The latest date for filing the application is 31 December of this year (example: requests for the 2019 commuting year shall be filed until not later than 31 December 2020, etc.).
The amount of allowance depends on the distance and will be determined on a pro-rata basis according to commuting months for which the preconditions are met pursuant to the Assistance Guidelines.
The allowance for the 2019 commuting year (for which the application is filed in 2020), will amount at least to the sums set out below for twelve allowable commuting months and a one-way distance between the municipality of the main residence and the municipality of the workplace of:
- 25 km to 49 km, incl.: EUR 177;
- 50 km to 74 km, incl.: EUR 248;
- 75 km and above: EUR 342.
The State Government of Upper Austria resolved, in addition, on an eco-bonus of additionally 30 percent to the long-distance commuter allowance. This bonus will be granted for the time being, if the person acquired an annual ticket for the OÖ Verkehrsverbund [Public Transport Network of Upper Austria] in the year for which they apply for the allowance. We receive the information directly, so that no information must be given when you file the request.
You may complete the form (see the link below) directly on your
- computer and transmit it online to the Directorate for Finances by clicking on the “Send” button;
- or you may complete the PDF form, print it and send it by post or fax.
Authentication and signature
No information available.
Required documents
No information available.
Art und Format der Nachweise
No information available.
Costs and fees
No information available.
Further information
No information available.
Means of redress or appeal
No information available.
Legal bases
Laws and ordinances can be found in the Legal Information System (RIS).
Assistance and problem-solving services
EAP - Point of Single Contact Upper Austria
Link to form
No form required.
Information on data protection
Further information
Responsible for the content: Direktion Finanzen
Last update: 04.03.2021
