General information
For admission as a public official, the statutory requirements for obtaining civil service status must be fulfilled.
Fulfilment of the general and special requirements for obtaining civil service status.
No information available.
Completion period
The employment relationship under public law starts after the approval of the State Government has been granted on the first day of the month following the issue of the decree on granting civil service status or first day of a later month as set forth therein. If the decree is issued on the first day of a month, the employment relationship under public law shall start no sooner than on such day.
Competent authority
Municipalities, municipal associations and statutory cities.
Admission to the public official service relationship takes place on the basis of an application by an employee through appointment to a vacant post envisaged for public officials in the post schedule (granting of civil service status) if the legal provisions are fulfilled. There is no legal entitlement to obtaining civil service status.
The decision of the municipal council on the appointment of the head of the municipal authority shall be communicated to the State Government. Their civil service status shall be subject to the State Government’s approval.
Authentication and signature
No information available.
Required documents
No information available.
Art und Format der Nachweise
No information available.
Costs and fees
No information available.
Further information
General requirements for granting civil service status for admission to an employment relationship under public law are the general admission requirements, whereby the candidate must be at least 24 years of age and 45 years at maximum at the time of granting civil service status, and 40 years of age at maximum upon entry into service and prove a length of service of at least 2 years with a working time of at least 50%.
In addition, the post schedule must contain a civil service post.
Special requirements for granting service status are the passing of a required service examination as well as demonstration of fulfilment of those requirements that must be fulfilled for a certain deployment.
Means of redress or appeal
No information available.
Legal bases
For laws and regulations, please refer to the Rechtsinformationssystem [Legal Information System] (RIS)
- Upper Austrian Gemeindebedienstetengesetz 2001 [Upper Austrian Municipal Employees Act] .
- Oö. Gemeinde-Dienstrechts- und Gehaltsgesetz 2002 [Upper Austrian Municipal Employment Right and Remuneration Act] .
- Oö. Statutargemeinden-Bedienstetengesetz 2002 [Upper Austrian Act on Statutory Municipalities Employees] .
Assistance and problem-solving services
EAP - Point of Single Contact Upper Austria
Link to form
No form required.
Information on data protection
Further information
Responsible for the content: Direktion Inneres- und Kommunales
Last update: 18.03.2021
