General information
Health and accident care for state employees
No information available.
No information available.
Completion period
No information available.
Competent authority
State of Upper Austria
No information available.
Authentication and signature
No information available.
Required documents
No information available.
Art und Format der Nachweise
No information available.
Costs and fees
No information available.
Further information
The State of Upper Austria, in its capacity as employer, relies on the “Kranken- und Unfallfürsorge für oö. Landesbedienstete” [Health and Accident Care for Upper Austrian State Employees] (KFL) in order to provide health and accident care to state employees. The KFL is a public corporation and has legal entity status. The seat of the KFL is in Linz. The KFL is entitled to bear the coat of arms of the State.
All public officials as well as all contract employees who entered the service from 1 January 2001 have a health care and accident insurance with the KFL.
- free choice of doctor
- (limited) claim to special class multi-bed rooms (2nd class) in Upper Austrian contract hospitals
- Deductible: 10% (exception: accident at work, occupational disease) The deductible can be covered by a supplementary insurance.
The members and their relatives are entitled to insurance benefits.
Means of redress or appeal
No information available.
Legal bases
For laws and regulations, please refer to the Rechtsinformationssystem [Legal Information System] (RIS)
Assistance and problem-solving services
EAP - Point of Single Contact Upper Austria
Link to form
No form required.
Information on data protection
Further information
Responsible for the content: Abteilung Personal
Last update: 27.05.2021
